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Teledetección 0.1.0

by Grupo gvSIG last modified 2010-10-29 15:46

The technique of combining images having different spectral or spatial resolution is called image fusion. The goal is to increment the resolution of images having a low spatial resolution using the corresponding panchromatic image. The result is a multispectral image having a resolution close to the panchromatic one.

To open the Image Fusion tool, you have to use the remote sensing toolbar by selecting “Raster process” from the left button and “Images fusion” from the right button.


The dialog window will appear as follow.


Description of the basic elements

  1. Panel to select the high resolution band

    Using the button Select, chose the image or panchromatic band that will be used in the process.

  2. Panel to select the fusion method
    In this panel you select the fusion method. You can choose between :
    1. Brovey
    2. IHS
    3. Principal Components
    4. Wavelets
  3. Parameters Panel

    In this panel you can setup the parameters of any single method listed in (2).

  4. Options panel

    Output options include the possibility to name the output file as well as the usual management options. The result can be obtained just for the visualised bands as well as for all the raster bands.

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